Miss “C” decided she wanted to come a bit earlier than her early November due date. She must have known how wonderful it is to have a birthday at the end of September! She is as sweet as she looks and pretty much soothed easily!
Miss “R” {12 Days Fresh}~ Fairfax County Newborn Photographer
Miss “R” was a perfect little model! She was easy to soothe and pretty much slept with her whole session!
Tatum~10 Days Fresh~Winchester, VA Newborn Photographer
This little guy was a dream to work with! He pretty much slept through his whole session. Big brother is super proud, don’t you think? 🙂
Miss Avery~ Winchester, VA Newborn Photographer
I was over the moon when I heard that Miss Avery arrived on my birthday! She has the most stunning features. While she was a little bit older for her session, she made every shot worth the wait! She didn’t want to miss anything and loved being cuddled in my arms. Congrats again K and J!
Handsome One and Handsome Two~Loudoun County, VA Twin Newborn Photographer
Master “S” and Master “E” are two handsome little fellows! They were angels for their first session together. I always have a tad bit of the butterflies before newborn sessions, but the nerves are really there when it’s for two! Newborns are unpredictable and I never know how the session will go. Thank goodness for Jennifer, my helper and extra set of loving hands! The session went as good as it gets. Congrats “H”… Keep Reading